
In the Sky: March

March will be an exciting month in the sky with several noteworthy events. The highlight will be a total eclipse of the Moon late in the night of March 13-14. The partial eclipse will begin at 12:09 a.m. CDT, with totality beginning at 1:26. Totality will end at 2:31, and the partial eclipse will end at 3:48. Since the eclipse happens at the same time wherever the Moon is visible, viewers only need to make an adjustment for their time zone.

The planets will also be interesting. Mercury will replace Saturn in the alignment of planets, and it will have its best evening appearance of the year early in the month. Brilliant Venus will be visible in the western sky, but it will be dropping lower each day. It will pass close to Mercury on March 11, and then it will drop quickly toward the horizon as it prepares to pass between the Earth and the Sun. It will move into the morning sky and be visible before the end of the month.

Very bright Jupiter will be high in the sky almost in line with the upper horn of Taurus (the Bull) and to the upper left of Aldebaran, the bull’s bright, reddish eye. Jupiter will lead bright, but fading, Mars across the sky. Mars will start the month to the right of bright Castor (above) and Pollux (below) in Gemini (the Twins), one of the few constellations of the zodiac that has both bright stars and, with a little imagination, looks like its name. Castor and Pollux represent the heads of the twins. Their stick-figured bodies are formed by two straggly lines of dimmer stars that extend almost to Orion (the Hunter). During March, Mars will move slowly eastward and closer to Pollux. Between Mars and the twin stars is a line of faint stars roughly parallel to them. They represent the arms of the twins, holding each other in an eternal embrace.

The twins were important in Greek mythology. As the story goes, Leda, the beautiful Queen of ancient Sparta, caught the attention of Zeus who took the form of a beautiful swan and seduced her. However, Leda also became pregnant with her husband, King Tyndareus, and she gave birth to twins. Castor, the son of Tyndareus, was mortal while Pollux, the son of Zeus, was immortal. Castor and Pollux had many adventures, including sailing with Jason on the Argo (also in the sky, but separated into three constellations) in search of the Golden Fleece. Later, when Castor was killed in battle, Pollux was so overcome with grief that Zeus allowed him to share his immortality with Castor, and both were placed together in the sky.

Observing Highlights

-Mar. 1: The crescent Moon will be to the left of brilliant Venus and farther above much dimmer Mercury. Start looking about 30 minutes after sunset.

-Mar. 5: The Moon will be to the right of very bright Jupiter and above dimmer Aldebaran, the eye of Taurus (the Bull).

-Mar. 8: Mercury will reach its highest point in the sky. It will then pause before following Venus back toward the Sun. The Moon will be close to Mars and between Mars and the twin stars of Gemini (the Twins).

-Mar. 11: Brilliant Venus and much dimmer Mercury will pass each other low in the western sky. Start looking about 45 minutes after sunset. The Moon is close above Regulus, the brightest star of Leo (the Lion).

-Mar. 13: There will be a total lunar eclipse from 1:26 to 2:31 a.m. CDT. The partial eclipse will begin at 12:09 and end at 3:48 a.m. CDT.

-Mar. 15: The Moon will rise above Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo (the Maiden) at about 10:00. The Moon will move in its orbit and follow Spica into the sky on the 16th.

-Mar. 20: The Moon will rise close above Antares, the brightest star in Scorpius (the Scorpion) at about 2:00. It will lead Antares across the sky until dawn. This is the day of the vernal equinox that ushers in spring in the northern hemisphere. The sun will rise straight in the east and set straight in the west, and everyone will have 12 hours of daylight (except at the poles).

-Mar. 27: The Moon will be to the right of Venus very low in the sky. Start looking about 30 minutes before sunrise.