
News & notes from the Gladbrook Women’s Club

The Gladbrook Women’s Club Sept. meeting was held on Thursday, Sept. 12 with Mary Jane Schaeferle presenting the program about her husband, “Doc” Schaeferle. He loved all kinds of music, singing, and playing instruments. After an accident as a child, needing stitches, he knew he wanted to be a doctor. Eventually, he was known as the town “Doc” in Gladbrook and provided services with a caring heart.

Twenty members answered roll call to “Where were you on 9/11?”

Minutes of our May meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given and approved.

A report was given on the June outing to Reiman Gardens.

Joan reported on the Tama County Fair Food Stand day. Changing to the hot beef sundae day was a good move and all went smoothly.

The 2024-2025 budget was presented. Joan made a motion to approve the new budget and it was seconded by Karen L. Motion was passed. The meeting was then adjourned.

October News

The Gladbrook Women’s Club meeting was held on Thursday, Oct. 10. Marcy introduced our speaker from Tama County Public Health. Kelly gave us information about the many aspects and services that they provide.

Avriel called the meeting to order with 20 members answering roll call.

Minutes from the September meeting were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given and approved.

Hospice cookie reminders were given with a few changes due to members being gone.

Updates for the Holiday Brunch on Nov. 10 were given with a few needs addressed.

Joan talked to Christy Flamme from the Tama County Food Stand about a need for a microwave and a large dish drainer. She approved of the suggestion. Pat C made a motion that allow Joan to purchase the microwave and dish drainer to be donated to the food stand. The motion was seconded by Karen L.

Our storage totes may be able to be stored downstairs in the Gladbrook Library. We will need to discuss with Lynne for final approval. Joyce motioned to purchase additional totes if needed. Marcy seconded. Motion carried.

There will be no judging at the Festival of Trees this year. The tree lighting will be held on Dec. 4 and the theme is “Barnyard Christmas.”

The December meeting will be held at the City Center upstairs with lunch served at 11:30.

A reminder that the November meeting will be at the Methodist Church with Aimee from Lillie Mae Chocolates presenting the program. The meeting was then adjourned.

November News

On Nov. 14 Aimee Deimerly Snyder presented our program on her Lillie Mae Chocolate Shop. Aimee and her husband have now owned the shop for 21 years and are the first non-family owners. She filled us in on the 85-year history of the candy shop.

Avriel opened the meeting with 14 members answering roll call.

The October meeting minutes were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given and approved.

A report was given on our Holiday Brunch. Leftovers were discussed and adjustments were to be made for next year. It was suggested that we need more advertising with family being an emphasis.

The evening to work the theater concessions needs one more volunteer. If you can help let Jo Anne Sash know.

The Gladbrook Commercial Club has requested a donation toward prizes given out at the tree lighting. A motion to donate was made by Pat C and seconded by Marcy. Motion carried.

Santa sacks will be filled on Tuesday, Dec. 3.

Our December meeting will be at the City Center upstairs. Lunch will be served at 11:30. Bring a donation for the food pantry either cash or canned goods.

Before our meeting today our donation of a microwave and dish drainer was presented to Christy Flamme for the Tama County Food Stand.

