
Gladbrook-Reinbeck announces 2024 Homecoming Court


REINBECK – The Gladbrook-Reinbeck Community School District’s 2024 Homecoming Court was announced last week and includes Queen candidates (front row, l-r) Vanessa Arvizu-Ersland, Dylan Mathern, Amelie Brockhoff (Honorary Candidate), Jaden Hansen, Aliyah Clark, and Mallory Wrage; and King candidates (back row, l-r) Hunter Roberts, Brandon Mathern, Michael Boyd, Austen Mathern, and Drew Eilers. The King and Queen were crowned during ‘Homecoming Happenings’ which took place earlier this week on Wednesday, Sept. 18. Look for a photo from the coronation ceremony in next week’s edition of the newspaper. A community pep rally takes place tonight, Friday, Sept. 20, in the high school gym ahead of the Rebels v. Dunkerton Raiders football game. Kickoff for the Homecoming game is set for 7 p.m.