Meet the Tama County Board of Supervisors District 4 GOP Candidates: William Faircloth

Supervisor William 'Bill' Faircloth (R-Toledo).
Ahead of the June 4 Primary Election, Tama-Grundy Publishing sent questionnaires to all candidates running in contested races for the Tama County Board of Supervisors including those running for the Republican nomination in District 4 which includes a portion of Carlton Township, most of the southern half of Howard Township, and Toledo Township. The district encompasses the communities of Garwin and Toledo. Incumbent Supervisor William Faircloth is one of two candidates for the Republican nomination. One candidate filed in District 4 for the Democratic primary race, Berleen Wobeter of Toledo. The winner of the June 4 Republican primary will run in the General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. The office of Tama County Supervisors District 3 is a four-year term.
William Faircloth
Age: 70
Residence location: Hwy 63 Toledo (rural)
Profession: Worked 39 years at Fisher in Marshalltown and eight for Tama County
Education: High School Graduate
Family: Wife Becky, three sons, and six grandchildren
1) Why do you want to be a county supervisor? What is your motivation for running?
Currently hold the position and feel we need someone on the board with some experience.
2) Have you previously run for elected office? If so, for what office(s)?
Yes, county supervisor.
3) What distinguishes you from the other candidates in your primary race?
I will have four years of experience [as a county supervisor] at the end of this year.
4) What changes, if any, do you believe need to be made in Tama County government?
Need to try to grow the county by bringing in new business.
5) What challenges does Tama County face today that you would like to see addressed by the county board of supervisors? If elected, what would you do to help address those challenges?
Like most counties, the big challenge is finances and with state cuts it is going to get worse. Will have to make cuts and try to bring new business to the county if possible.
6) Following the 2024 election, do you believe the county needs to return to a three-member board of supervisors? Why or why not?
Yes, two extra supervisors puts an additional $150,000 burden on the taxpayers. And I feel the county is running fine with three.
7) The development of utility scale wind/solar energy projects in Tama County continues to be a divisive issue. What is your position and why regarding A) a possible wind and/or solar energy moratorium – temporary or otherwise, and B) property rights as it relates to utility scale wind and solar energy projects?
You need to talk to legal counsel on moratoriums and do as they suggest. It is not wise to just put a moratorium on things.
I feel it is the landowner’s right to decide what is best for his situation.
8) Why should people vote for you on June 4, 2024?
With four years as a supervisor, I feel we need someone with experience because it is possible that we could have five new supervisors and not have anyone that has held the position before.