
Happy 104 Years!

Gladbrook Auxiliary hosts Legion birthday party, welcomes IVH Commandant

Gladbrook Auxiliary Unit President Jeanne Paustian presenting a birthday cake to Post Commander Ron Busch in honor of the 104 birthday of the American Legion. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN

The Gladbrook Auxiliary hosted a birthday party for the Gladbrook Legion Post #127 on March 20. Members were welcomed by President Jeanne Paustian who stated that the American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization. Focusing on service to veterans, servicemembers and communities, the Legion evolved from a group of war-weary veterans of World War I into one of the most influential nonprofit groups in the United States.

The American Legion was founded on four pillars: Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security, and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation. There are over 1,800,000 members of The American Legion, making it the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization. The American Legion has thousands of  Posts in communities throughout the United States. We’re happy to say that Post 127 is one of them and we are here to celebrate the 104th birthday of the American Legion.

Unit V-P Candice Bartel introduced Todd Jacobus, Commandant of the Iowa Veterans Home for an introduction into his 33-year military career in the Army National Guard/Engineer Battalion, spending a good share of his deployment in Iraq and in helping Kosovo’s people fight for a new democratic government, explaining that this small European country now has five ‘sister’ cities with all five in Iowa, with a strong American military base there.

Jacobus stated that after his service career ended, the position of IVH Commandant was open, he applied and is excited and happy to have accepted the position, which he started on November 7, 2022.

The Marshalltown facility was established in 1887 and was formerly called the “Iowa Soldiers Home”. It sets on 120 acres in the center of the state and in the past 10-15 years has seen the number of residents decrease from over 750 to 385 at the present time. During that time, several new buildings were built as independent living facilities, with only a waiting list for these rooms at the present time.

Richard Denbow with his 50 year membership certificate pictured with Post Commander Ron Busch. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN

Military spouses and Gold Star family members may be admitted with a 400+ resident capacity. There are 133 Veterans Homes in the U.S. and we are to be proud of our facility here in Iowa. He explained that recently the Iowa Inspections /Appeals came for a surprise week-long visit to the Home and after only four days of the five allowed, reported that they had found ‘zero’ deficiencies.

They continue to practice ‘covid mask’ precautions when a resident on a ward shows symptoms and a positive test.

Jacobus said he is amazed at all the incredible support that the IVH receives from not only communities and individuals but from Veterans Service Organizations like the American Legion. These efforts help us to ensure that we will be able to continue to fulfill our mission to our residents and to Iowans, which is to provide a continuum of care to Iowa’s veterans and their spouses in an environment focusing on personal choice and individualized services to enhance quality of life.

Jacobus ended his presentation with a quote from President Ronald Reagan, “The Great Communicator.” He said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defend constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”

It is organizations, like the American Legion, who can help ensure that our Nation continues to be ready to answer the call, whenever and wherever that call may come. And I am honored to do that very thing with each of you. It’s an honor to serve.

Unit President Jeanne Paustian, IVH Commandant Todd Jacobus, and Post Commander Ron Busch. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN

Commandant Todd kindly answered many questions and the Auxiliary certainly enjoyed his visit to the Gladbrook Post & Unit.

Meeting minutes

Jeanne, Commander Ron Busch and Mayor Trudi Scott told about a meeting with Corn Carnival President Denny Gienger. It was decided that the Peace UCC and Legion/Auxiliary will be erecting the food stand for the Corn Carnival to use but we will not be serving food this year. We will still host the Sunday Omelet Breakfast.

The Post and Unit will be hosting a turkey/trimmings dinner in April as a fundraiser.

Tama County Government Day at the Reinig Center is planned for Wednesday, April 12 with Auxiliary members from Traer and Gladbrook preparing the hamburger at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 11 at the Reinig Center. More information at the County meeting at Tama on Tuesday, March 28 at 7 p.m.

IVH Commandant Todd Jacobus, guest speaker. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN

Memorial Building cleaning days are planned with the Legion working on the floors on Tuesday, April 11 and 13, due to TCGD. The Auxiliary will do the walls, window, and kitchen the week of April 17. Joyce and Jolene will be contacting members to help so be ready to choose your favorite job.

Our next meeting will be Monday, April 10 at 1:30 p.m. at the Memorial Building. We have sent in 211 memberships for 2023. 2 deaths, and 2 new members. We did not have a girl interested in attending Girls State this year, but were happy to see that one of our Junior members, Amaya Peterson, was chosen by the Reinbeck Auxiliary to attend.

Commander Ron Busch presented a 50-year membership certificate award to Dick Denbow. Dale Haack also earned his 50-year certificate and Bob Mohr, WWII veteran, received a 70-year membership recognition. We also ask you to remember Bob with a card shower for his 96th birthday on April 2. Send cards to 909 6th St., Traer 50675.

The traditional birthday cake was presented to Commander Ron by Pres. Jeanne to be served at their next meeting and we adjourned with all standing and singing ‘God Bless America’.

