Gladbrook’s 10th annual Kids’ Shopping Day building a tradition
- Volunteers pose for a photograph after hauling 21 tables into the church, moving all the chairs upstairs, and carrying in lots of gifts from several locations. Volunteers pictured include (l-r) Rick Huisman, Paul Koester, Grant Strohbehn, Larry Pieper, Jim Gethmann, Dennis Haack, Phil Koester, and Darrell Paustian. Not pictured, Brett & Justin Miller. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN
- Youth volunteer Brayla Davis helped run clipboards, pencils, and shopping baskets during the 10th annual Kids’ Shopping Day held at Peach Church in Gladbrook on Dec. 10. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN
- There were 27 wrapping stations this year at the 10th annual Kids’ Shopping Day where each present was made ready to put under the tree. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN
- The “People of Bethlehem” told the story of the birth of Jesus to Kids’ Shopping Day shoppers held at Gladbrook’s Peace Church on Dec. 10. Volunteers pictured by the Nativity scene in the altar area of the church include (l-r) Kay Lowry, Rose Russell, and Lisa Koester. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN
- June Bessman plays Christmas carols in the Peace Church sanctuary in Gladbrook on Dec. 10 as part of the 10th annual Kids’ Shopping Day. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN
- Volunteers from this year’s 10th annual Kids’ Shopping Day held at Peace Church in Gladbrook pose for a group photo on Dec. 10 ahead of the event. PHOTO COURTESY OF JEANNE PAUSTIAN
The 10th Kids’ Shopping Day was a huge success. The weather was very nice for December. The shoppers were lined up and ready to make out their shopping list for their loved ones long before 9 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 10, at Peace Church in Gladbrook. We are just amazed at how the people in our community support KSD year after year. It has now become a Gladbrook Christmas tradition.
The Gladbrook American Legion Auxiliary Children & Youth Committee chaired the project with help from Gladbrook area churches, organizations, and individuals. Once again with thousands of items donated by the community we created an opportunity for our area children to “shop” all by themselves and without any exchange of money.
An incredible 230 children this year diligently looked over the many items searching for the perfect gift to give to 8-10 of their family members. As you might have guessed there were a lot of toys, Hawk and Cyclone items, fishing, hunting and golf, and beautiful gift baskets. The children came from all around the G-R and GMG area. One mother told us that her children shopped, and that is all they talked about all year.
Parents patiently waited for their children in the sanctuary of the church. They enjoyed listening to Christmas carols, viewing the beautiful decorations, and refreshments.
Volunteers helped the younger children shop. Many of the children were all smiles as they knew they had picked out the perfect gift for their moms, dads, brothers, sisters, etc. Other volunteers wrapped their presents, and each tag stated “Jesus Loves You.” When the shoppers left their “treasures” were ready to be put under the tree.
Each shopper visited the “People of Bethlehem” – Kay Lowry, Lisa Koester, and Rose Russell – to receive a Christmas card and a Nativity ornament as their gift. Tired and happy kids left for home with a large bag of gifts for loved ones in their hands, plus a seed, containing the awareness of our loving Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in their souls.
An abundance of our good Gladbrook-Lincoln folks contributed in countless ways to this year’s KSD. Individuals, our local churches, and organizations worked together beautifully to serve the children and families in our area. A very special thank you to everyone that donated items or gave monetary donations for the Christmas Store; the ladies who prewrapped packages and made the gift tags, the guys that helped get the church ready, the many volunteers that helped set up the store, 75 plus people that helped on shopping day, and the guys that came back to put the church back to normal. The sparkle in the children’s eyes told us they appreciated everything. We needed each and every one of you in order to pull everything together. THANKS so much!
Many of the items that were left were boxed up and taken to Westbrook Acres, so their residents could shop for their loved ones.
Kids’ Shopping Day offers our young folks an opportunity to experience the true spirit of Christmas, and you would be surprised how many letters and calls we receive from parents and grandparents telling us how happy and excited their children were when the gifts they selected were open. Our kids have the opportunity to encounter… the joy of thinking beyond self, the joy of working to choose a gift that will make another happy, handing that gift to their loved one, and then enJOY the loving response of the recipient. The children, workers, and families, give and receive much joy at our community-supported “Kids’ Shopping Day.” Thanks for making it happen!