
Meet Your Local Candidates: Mark Fink

2021 Combined City/School Election: Gladbrook City Council, At Large - vote for three

Gladbrook City Council Candidate: Mark Fink

AGE: 50

PROFESSION: Safety Supervisor

EDUCATION: BS Upper Iowa University

What challenges do you see small, rural communities like yours facing today as compared to larger cities and suburbs?

1. Funding for infrastructure repairs and mandatory compliance upgrades for water/sewer. Larger communities can spread the administrative costs for upgrades over a larger user base.

2. It is increasingly difficult to find volunteers for first responders for the ambulance and fire departments. We

have a dedicated group serving our communities, but we need more people to volunteer.

What do you plan to do to help meet those challenges as a city council member?

1. Continue to collaborate with regional partners to help curb costs.

2. Maintain the agreement with Grundy Center Ambulance to help provide ambulance services when we are short personnel. If you are interested in becoming a first responder please contact City Hall.

Why should people vote for you on November 2? I have previously served on the Water Board, Council and Mayor, I am familiar with the state of our infrastructure and how to operate in a fiscally responsible manner. I also served on the ambulance crew for 13 years and the fire department for 27 years.

