Large group contest this year is being held at Grundy Center on Friday, May 8th.GR's mixed chorus and the all girls choir will be performing for three judges on pieces they have been working on. GR's mixed chorus will be singing "Come to me, o my Love" arranged by Allan Robert Petker and "Aura ...
A lawsuit brought against the Gladbrook-Reinbeck Community School District in February has been voluntarily dismissed by the plaintiff.The dismissal would allow the plaintiff, Gladbrook resident Charles Bearden, to join other suits that have been filed against the district without interfering ...
GR entered six entries at this year' s solo ensemble contest, held at AGWSR..The following students all received a 1 rating on their performances: soloist senior Hanna Christopher, soloist senior Cydney Rose, and the small group consisting of Hanna Christopher, Elise Peterson, Jenny Schildroth, ...
NAME: Bailea EvensonNICKNAMES: Bails, BaejoDATE OF BIRTH/PLACE OF BIRTH: August 29,1997; Waterloo, IowaPARENTS: Brad and Heidi EvensonSIBLINGS: Krayton and Brittin EvensonPET: I have one dog named WrigleyPRESENT JOB: Reinbeck DaycareFAVORITESSCHOOL MOVIE: "The Best of Me"G-R HIGH SCHOOL ...
NAME: Brady KuehlDATE OF BIRTH: May 22, 1997PARENTS: Tim and Chris KuehlSIBLINGS: Callie and SaariPETS: Dogs: Ike, Jack, TuckerFAVORITESSCHOOL LUNCH: creamed chicken on biscuitG-R HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER: Mrs. KiburisG-R HIGH SCHOOL CLASS: SpanishCOLOR: blueHOLIDAY: Black History ...
The Gladbrook-Reinbeck School Board held a Public Hearing and Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 8, 2015. At precisely 6:30, the meeting was called to order by board president Josh Hemann. Superintendent Holloway started the meeting by presenting the budget for FY 2014-15. The CDC (combined ...
On Thursday, April 16, 2015, the Gladbrook-Reinbeck School Board held their monthly regular meeting. A public meeting preceded the regular meeting beginning at 6:30 PM. The agenda was approved and was followed by the G-R Education Association Initial Bargaining Proposal. The group agreed to ...