

Callie Hulst

NAME: Callie HulstNICKNAME: RallieDATE OF BIRTH/PLACE OF BIRTH: December30, 1996, and born in Waterloo, Iowa, at CovenantPARENTS: Jeff and Sandi HulstSIBLING/S: Nicole, Weston, Tessa, and TannerPET/S: 3 Horses, 3 Dogs, and 1 catPRESENT JOB: universal aid at the assisted livingin ...

Cole Goos

NAME: Cole GoosNICKNAMES: Red(Multiple people), Coley (Mom), Cool Goos (S.Walton)DATE OF BIRTH/PLACE OF BIRTH: May 3, 1997;RomaniaPARENTS: Benjamin and Stephanie GoosSIBLING: Spencer GoosPET: Kade my dogPRESENT JOB: theatre and Gladbrook DaycareFAVORITESSCHOOL LUNCH: spaghettiGR HIGH SCHOOL ...

GR FFA to state convention

Sunday, April 19, through Tuesday, April 22, Iowa State held this year's State FFA Convention. The sessions, in Hilton Coliseum, contained anything from FFA members receiving recognition, awards, achievements, retiring officer addresses, sponsors recognition, to keynote speakers. We were able ...

Fundraiser supports health care career scholarships

REINBECK - The Health Care Career Scholarship program of the Grundy County Memorial Hospital Foundation received a boost from a luncheon and card party held in Reinbeck on Thursday. Sixty ladies gathered at the Oakleaf Country Club to enjoy lunch and card play, and together they raised just ...

Reinbeck preschool registration

Reinbeck Preschool Registration forms available at following locations:Reinbeck Preschool Room, Reinbeck Elementary Office, Reinbeck Public, Library, City Hall and Trunck's Country Foods.Please remit Form and registration fees ASAP to Reinbeck Elementary (Preschool) or mail to Reinbeck ...

Petition to prevent G-R board decision dropped

A lawsuit brought against the Gladbrook-Reinbeck Community School District in February has been voluntarily dismissed by the plaintiff.The dismissal would allow the plaintiff, Gladbrook resident Charles Bearden, to join other suits that have been filed against the district without interfering ...

GR vocal to large group contest

Large group contest this year is being held at Grundy Center on Friday, May 8th.GR's mixed chorus and the all girls choir will be performing for three judges on pieces they have been working on. GR's mixed chorus will be singing "Come to me, o my Love" arranged by Allan Robert Petker and "Aura ...

G-R high school concert

The Gladbrook-Reinbeck High School will have their spring vocal and band concert on Monday, May 4th, at 7 pm in the high school auditorium.The choral part of the show will feature songs being sung for LargeGroup Contest on May 8th, as well as a couple other fun songs.The Girl's Choir will be ...

Solo ensemble

GR entered six entries at this year' s solo ensemble contest, held at AGWSR..The following students all received a 1 rating on their performances: soloist senior Hanna Christopher, soloist senior Cydney Rose, and the small group consisting of Hanna Christopher, Elise Peterson, Jenny Schildroth, ...