
Grundy County Heritage Museum Open House set for April 27

Special guest speaker Linda Betsinger McCann to present on ‘lost towns’

MORRISON – Mark your calendars for the annual spring open house!

The annual Heritage Museum Open House will take place on Sunday, April 27, from 1-3:30 p.m. at the Grundy County Heritage Museum located at 204 Fourth Street in Morrison. This is a free event. Come and tour the museum and enjoy free refreshments.

Special guest speaker Linda Betsinger McCann will present at 2 p.m. McCann is an Iowa author who has dedicated her writing career to researching the history of local towns and other important historical events. With a portfolio that includes over 14 works, her special subjects of interest are often ‘Lost Towns’ founded long ago during the days when Iowa was first settled, but have since been abandoned, forgotten, and are largely missing from local maps and landscapes.

Join us as McCann discusses lost towns that were once nearby in Franklin and Grundy counties. You may be surprised at what you have unknowingly overlooked. We hope to see you there.

For more information, contact the Grundy County Conservation Office at 319-345-2688, or email Director Nick Buseman at nick.buseman@grundycountyiowa.gov.